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Smiley’s Money-Saving Tips for Winter


low-temperatureThat’s right – winter! It’s hard to believe, but summer is long over, Halloween was earlier this week, and winter is coming soon. It’s still in the 70’s during the day, but temperatures in Atlanta are getting down into the 40s when the sun goes down, a sure sign that heating season will be upon us in just a few weeks. And if you’re sick and tired of big energy bills starting to come in when the temperature drops, you’re probably looking for ways to save by making your home as energy-efficient as possible this winter – and you’ve come to the right place!

Here are some quick tips from R.S. Andrews that will help you save money and stay warm this winter.

Lower the temperature setting on your hot water heater – did you know that the energy used to heat water typically makes up 25% of a household’s monthly energy bills? Just by lowering the temperature of your hot water heater from 130 degrees to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, you can save an appreciable amount of money on heating bills without at all compromising your system’s ability to heat water.

Lower your thermostat setting – when cold weather hits, set your thermostat to the lowest possible temperature that still keeps your home comfortably warm. Moderating the temperature setting on your thermostat has been estimated to save up to 4% per degree, so major heating savings are possible in this area.

Install a programmable thermostat – one of the easiest and most effective ways to make your heating system more efficient is to install a programmable thermostat or have R.S. Andrews install one for you. Programmable thermostats allow you to control the output of your heating system with far more accuracy than standard thermostats, so that heating energy can be used only when and where it’s needed to keep the occupants of your house comfortable. This means you a programmable thermostat will let you rest assured that you’re not spending money to heat your home during the day while your household is at work or school, or heating unoccupied parts of the house for no reason.

Use your ceiling fans to spread heat effectively – everyone knows ceiling fans are great for generating a cooling breeze when you want to cool off, but did you know that they are very useful during heating season as well? If you reverse the direction that your ceiling fans normally run, an updraft will be produced, which will help warm air near the ceiling circulate down the walls and make the whole house more comfortable.

Seal up any gaps in your windows or doors – improperly sealed windows are responsible for nearly 20% of heat lost by most homes. Taking the time to seal up any gaps that may exist next to or under your doors, windows, and even electrical outlets will make a noticeable impact on your heating system’s ability to work efficiently.

If you have any questions about the best solutions for efficiently heating your home this winter, call R.S. Andrews today. Our heating experts are the most trusted in Atlanta and can keep you informed about all of your options for efficient home heating, and of course provide the service and maintenance your HVAC system needs to keep your house warm this winter. And don’t forget our great heating specials for November!
