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Identifying the Most Common Air Conditioner Problems


ac_unitWith weather looking like it’s going to steadfastly remain warm for the foreseeable future, the majority of us are dependent on our
air conditioning
systems more than ever. This dependence means that we need our AC units to be in top running condition so we aren’t faced with the uncomfortable prospect of a breakdown – which can be a life-threatening occurrence if it’s hot enough outside. Here at R.S. Andrews we want our customers to be educated when it comes to their HVAC units, so we’re going to break down what the top air conditioner problems are this time of year and how to identify and treat them.

Power Outages: If you had someone besides a certified technician or R.S. Andrews certified technician install your air conditioning unit and you’re experiencing power issues with it, there is a big chance that faulty wiring is to blame. If a non-professional installed your unit, you may experience power outages and trip your circuit breaker – and it’s also a potential fire hazard which needs to be fixed by a certified professional as soon as possible.

Low Refrigerant Levels: If your system is notifying you of having low refrigerant levels it could be that your system was undercharged when it was installed or it could signal a much bigger problem. The most common cause of low refrigerant levels is a leak. Adding refrigerant before getting your system inspected by a certified technician is not a good idea, as you’re simply putting a bandage on a much bigger problem. Having an R.S. Andrews technician come and inspect your system will ensure that if there is a leak it will be located and repaired in the quickest fashion possible.

Erratic, Irregular Cooling Cycles: If your one room air conditioning unit is having odd cycles, running more or less than it should, turning on and off at odd times, or simply acting irregularly, your sensor may not be working. The smaller, room sized air conditioners often have a thermostat sensor located in the back of it which measures the air temperature coming out of the evaporator coil. If the sensor is damaged or moved, it won’t be able to do its job, causing your system to run erratically. If the sensor is just moved you can simply move it back, making sure it is close to, but not touching, the evaporator coil.

System Randomly Turns On and Off: If you find your system will turn on and off irregularly despite your home not being cooled to the temperature you’ve programmed it to, your electrical and fan controls may be worn out. Frequent causes of this are corrosion of internal wiring, having an over-sized system for your house, or poor maintenance. When your system is regularly checked by a R.S. Andrews certified technician we check this internal wiring to establish if there are any signs of damage that could lead to future problems and address them accordingly. Replacing these wires can be costly so the smartest move you can make is to schedule regular maintenance checks with R.S. Andrews to catch any potential corroding before it’s too late.

If you’re having problems with your air conditioning system and don’t know what the cause is at all, just give R.S. Andrews a call today – our staff is always available to answer your questions, provide emergency HVAC and plumbing service, and guide you to the best solutions for your home. Get in touch today, and don’t forget to check out our great, money-saving specials!
