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What’s the Deal with Infrared Inspection Cameras?


inspectioncameraYou may have noticed if you’ve ever used our services before that your R.S. Andrews technician used some sort of strange camera to inspect your HVAC system, plumbing, or water heater.

These are not just any plain old cameras, of course; we’re on the forefront of HVAC and plumbing maintenance and repair technology here at R.S. Andrews. In an effort to educate our customers about what it is we do and how we do it, I’m going to take a moment of your time to explain this new and groundbreaking technology we use.

What Is It?

Think of a infrared camera as a regular camera on steroids. Whereas a regular camera can see the visible light range of 450-750 nanometers, an infrared camera can see up to 14,000 nanometers. What this means in everyday terms is that an infrared camera can see things like cracks, damage, or leaks that a regular camera, or the human eye, never could. In particular, infrared cameras pick up the wavelengths emitted by temperature as opposed to color. This is particularly helpful when it comes to duct work and pipes.

What Does It Do?

As previously stated, the infrared camera allows our technicians to see things that the human eye or any other camera could not by picking up waves from heat, and detect even tiny amounts of heat that can indicate structure issues in materials. Infrared cameras are able to see where there is a localized change in temperature. The technology R.S. Andrews uses displays what the camera is picking up on a monitor so that both the technician and home owners can see.

How Will I Benefit From This?

This infrared technology allows us to be able to see a number of different problems that were undetectable using previous methods. When used in your air ducts, it allows us to see if the ducts are leaking or rusting anywhere, even slightly, and fix the problem. With plumbing it can show us spots where your pipes may be leaking or any places where there appears to be excess moisture which could lead to much bigger problems down the road.

Being able to catch these issues early on generally means repairs are minor and localized. This means in addition to a better functioning system, you’ll save a lot of money both in the short and long run.

How Can I Get My Home Inspected?

This is an easy one; call R.S. Andrews! All of our technicians are trained to use this technology so you won’t have to wait a long time for an available one to come over to inspect your home. Just call us at (770) 913–6412 to set up an appointment today with one of our highly qualified technicians!