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3 Reasons You Should Have Your Duct Work Cleaned Today


3 Reasons You Should Have Your Duct Work Cleaned Today

Spring cleaning. It’s something we face each year.

As you make your way throughout your to-do list for the season, certain tasks easily fall into place. Dusting. Cleaning out cabinets. Airing out your home.

Nothing feels better than opening up the windows for the first time, letting the gentle breezes flow through your home. The air smells better. And if feels better when you breathe.

Yet cleaning the air by opening the windows can only go so far. Eventually, the heat and humidity will kick in, and you’ll close up the windows and turn on the air conditioning system to face the heat of the summer.

What about the air quality then?

Before the heat begins, it may be time to have your duct work cleaned.

Reason #1 Breathe Clean, Healthier Air

Over the course of a winter, a lot of stuff accumulates in your duct work. Dust, debris and other unhealthy substances. Changing your system’s air filters can help prevent airborne substances from circulating throughout the system and settling in your duct work. Yet changing them alone isn’t the solution. A thorough springtime duct work cleaning can remove everyday dirt and dust, along with lingering pollen, pet dander and other unhealthy and potentially harmful growth.

Reason #2 Energy Costs

Every year your energy bill seems to go up and up. Did you know one of the reasons may be your duct work? When air conditioning and heating equipment is forced to work longer and harder to produce the same results, the penalty will always come out in the form of a higher energy bill. When systems run for extended periods of time to condition the air you live and breathe in, your energy expenses will naturally rise. By keeping your system as clean as possible, you’ll ensure your energy costs each month are as low as possible.

Reason #3 Improve System Performance and Longevity

Your HVAC system works hard all year long to keep your home warm in the cool months, and cool in summer. But dirty ducts can actually cause the system to overwork and malfunction over time. The harder they system has to work, the more efficient it becomes, which ultimately costs more for both repair and replacement expenses. Removing debris can help your system perform optimally all year through.
