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How HVAC Impacts Your Building’s Clean Air


How HVAC Impacts Your Building’s Clean Air

HVAC maintenance. For many property owners, those two words simply mean the act of keeping equipment in proper working condition. But there’s more to HVAC maintenance than the equipment alone. If not properly maintained, your HVAC system has a good chance of impacting the people in your building in a variety of ways, including comfort levels and health concerns.

HVAC equipment controls more than the temperature; it’s the one key factor in impacting overall air quality. There are many ways to make sure your indoor air quality is at appropriate levels:

  • Watch for changes – biological growth in vents, utility rooms or along windows is an indication of a bigger problem
  • Take notice of musty odors
  • Have a system in place for tenants or occupants to tell you of small problems
  • Take all complaints seriously and follow up immediately

There are also ways of being proactive about the process.

Replace air filters – all filters should be checked and replaced on a regular basis, every one to six months at a minimum, depending on individual circumstances. With a regular HVAC maintenance program in place, your technician will control the frequency and provide proper rotation based on your circumstance.

Clean evaporator coils – the evaporator coil is the one place where biological growth happens the fastest. It is surrounded by constant moisture. Any debris that gets through dirty or poor filters will stick to the coil and start to grow due to the high moisture. Regular cleanings can keep your system and occupants healthy.

Clean condenser coils – condenser coils degrade quickly because of the constant influx of dirt from the outside. While condenser coils don’t impact air quality, they will control energy efficiency. A regular maintenance routine will keep the condenser coil as clean and operational as possible.

Inspect working parts – fans, belts, bearings and other parts may not impact air quality directly, but they create an efficient system that is allowed to do its job well. Keeping things repaired, oiled, cleaned and working properly will ensure your HVAC is in top condition and working at its best.

Check air intake – water can quickly pool around air handlers. And where there is water, biological growth can quickly follow. Make sure water is not being sucked into the ventilation system.

Fix leaks in supply ducts – annual checkups will ensure that common problems don’t become bigger over time. The bigger the air leaks, the less efficient a system will be and the higher your utilities will be.

Clean air ducts – inspect supply and return air ducts every year or two, depending on the needs of your commercial location. If you find dirt and debris, it’s time for cleaning.