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What You Should Know Before Signing Up For A Commercial HVAC Maintenance Contract


What You Should Know Before Signing Up For A Commercial HVAC Maintenance Contract

There are two approaches to maintaining your commercial HVAC system.

1.The “Wait and See” Approach. Install the equipment and wait and see what happens. Call in a HVAC technician whenever you have problems or concerns with your equipment.

2. The HVAC Planned Maintenance Approach. Invest in a plan that provides regular maintenance from a HVAC professional.

For many, the HVAC Planned Maintenance approach is by far the better choice. But how do you know who to trust? These six questions are designed to help you evaluate maintenance proposals and select the best contractor for the job. One who will comply with industry standard maintenance practices.

Is the company licensed to do work in your community? Make sure they are compliant with all licensing requirements.

What is included in a regular maintenance inspection? Ensure they provide a thorough inspection during every routine maintenance visit to ensure your equipment is fully operational.

Does the technician inquire how the system has been operating before work begins? This provides insight for assessing how equipment is operating and better enables them to meet your expectations.

Do they provide safety inspections too? HVAC equipment comes with certain hazards, not all of which are visible. Trained technicians can recognize early warning signs.

What about between maintenance plan visits? While plans ensure regular maintenance visits, what about questions or concerns between? Understand how small emergency situations will be handled.

Will maintenance plans include evaluating equipment performance? How much life is left in your equipment? Each visit should include evaluating equipment for performance issues.

Will the technician review maintenance issues with you? Understanding what occurred during the visit helps you stay on top of any issue that arises. It can also keep you on track if corrective action is required.

The “Wait and See” approach puts you on edge, waiting for little emergencies to spring up all around you. And when they do, they spread like wildfire, consuming your time, energy and money very quickly.

The HVAC Planned Maintenance approach puts you in charge. Because repairs are made before they turn into larger events, rarely do wildfires occur. With a partner on board who that watches over your equipment, you have peace of mind that surprises will rarely occur.

Which approach do you prefer?