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Taking Control Over Your Home Entertainment Wiring


Throughout the Atlanta area, we see both new construction and remodels include a home theater somewhere within the floorplan. It’s no longer tucked away in a basement; they are being included in rooms front and center in your home.

But not all home theaters are created equal. Some are piecemealed together over time, adding a component here and there until you have something that resembles a glorified television room. It may work for the short term, but it can wreak havoc over time.

Lots of components mean lots of wires. And if you strew wiring all around a room, not only can it look cluttered, but it can also be a hazard too.

The first step to eliminating hazardous wires is to organize them. If you have a basic system, a little tidying up could be all you need. Invest in a box of cable ties and other cord organizers to help bundle your cords and cables together. If you have an entertainment unit with an open back, you can run the bundles of cables behind your components and hide them back behind the unit, so they are less visible.

While that might work for smaller home entertainment systems, once you start developing out your home theater equipment, you’ll have to be more selective in how you hide the wiring.

If your TV is mounted on the wall, there are products designed to hide the cables that would normally run up your wall. Instead, you can hide them behind specially designed corridors that can be painted to match your wall colors. Of course, this can detract from the ambiance you are trying to create. A professional electrician can also help run electricity to where you need it and provide the proper grounding to ensure your TV is safe and well connected.

For the maximum elimination of all visible wires, it’s best to keep your equipment well hidden and in a closet or other area designated for your home theater system. When done properly, the wall mounted television is all you will need out in the open. Keep in mind, however, that this is an intensive process. It requires you to run cables and wires through your walls in order to connect every piece of your home entertainment system together.

In the end, how you choose to hide your home entertainment wires is up to you. A completely hidden system appeals to many. It will keep your equipment safer and more organized, and can help add value to your home in you choose to sell in the future.

Electricians in Atlanta

How could you benefit from upgrading your home entertainment wiring? For help in the Atlanta area, call R.S. Andrews!