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4 Questions About Your Water Pipes Atlanta Homeowners Should Know The Answers To


We protect ourselves against many things. We ensure warranties exist for our appliances. We sign up for health insurance to protect our health. We take out a homeowners policy to protect our houses.

But what about costly water line and sewer line disruptions?

According to the National Association of Water Companies, there are around 650 water main breaks a day here in the US. And if it happens to you, it can have a serious impact on both your property and your wallet.

4 Questions About Your Water Pipes You Should Know The Answers To

Yet as homeowners, we rarely think about the water line and sewer line at all. Out of sight, out of mind. But what most don’t know is their homeowners’ insurance policies will not cover the repair costs associated with these lines, and that it is your responsibility

Think it’s time to add a little protection to your home so the likelihood of a break can be reduced?

How old are your pipes?

Age alone is not a factor. But the older pipes get, the more can go wrong. The vast majority of the nation’s water pipes were installed after World War II. The same report by the National Association of Water Companies stated that nearly half of all pipes in the US were in poor shape. The EPA found that the average age of a broken water main is around 47 years. If you know how old your pipes are, you can assess whether it’s time for repair.

Do you have mature landscaping?

Tree roots seek out water supplies. If you have mature landscaping, it’s had many years to find the easiest resources. When tree roots get into the pipes, they can cause clogs and blocks that lead to serious problems.

Do you ignore the warning signs?

A water line doesn’t clog and break overnight. Instead, it sends out warning signs, sometimes for years. Do you frequently cook at home and send grease and food scraps down the drain? Have you noticed more than one drain clogging at the same time? Have you noticed a faucet stammer? All can be signs of a sudden and costly repair.

Do you know what your pipes are made of?

The average age of water pipes here in the US are approaching 50 years of age. That means older pipes have had decades of function and are quickly coming to the end of their useful life. Many are made from clay, steel, or tile, which are all materials that can deteriorate over time. If your home was built before the 1980s, the pipes are most likely made from clay. They most likely are in need of repair.

Atlanta Plumbing Services

Because water main breaks are not covered by your homeowner’s insurance, a break can cost you hundreds to thousands of dollars depending on its impact. The cost of repair is significantly less and can save you both time and money from having to deal with a potential mess. If you have a question about your water line or sewer line, we can help.
