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Getting Your HVAC System Ready For Vacation


The last few weeks of summer means one last chance for a vacation.

If you’re heading out of town for more than a few days, you may have considered turning off your HVAC system in order to save energy. It sounds logical. Why heat or cool a place where you won’t be? But in the long run, shutting down your equipment for extended periods of time will actually cost you money. Getting Your HVAC System Ready For Vacation

To understand why, let’s look at what your HVAC equipment actually does.

You might think your HVAC equipment is designed to change the temperature of the rooms in your home. It does. But it also:

  • Circulates the air throughout the space
  • Controls the humidity levels
  • Controls the indoor air pollutants and provides, cleaner fresher air for you to breathe

Here in Atlanta, we have to concern ourselves with humidity. While we’re used to dealing with it every time we head outside, humidity on the inside isn’t a good thing. Too much humidity leads to condensation, which can contribute to biological growth. And while you might not think it can happen quickly, you’d be surprised at how easily it can build up.

If you leave for a couple of weeks and come home to widespread condensation issues, it could cost you a lot more than keeping your air conditioner running while you are away.

What should you do instead?

Turn your thermostat up, so your air conditioner still runs at regular intervals. The keeps your home’s humidity levels where they should be, and your energy usage down because it’s not as cool in your home as when you are around.

Plus it won’t take as long to return it to a normal temperature once you’re back from your trip.

If you’re leaving soon, have a great trip. And be sure to take a few minutes to set your thermostat to a higher level instead of turning the system off. Your wallet will thank you in the long run.
