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Have You Fallen For These Home Cooling Myths?


We’ve reached a point in the year where we can’t imagine not having air conditioning in our homes. That cool breeze when you walk through the door is oh, so inviting.

But are you cooling your home in the correct manner? Are you blasting air conditioned air through your home 24/7? Are you using fans to help in the process? Here are a few of our favorite myths … and what you should be doing instead.Have You Fallen For These Home Cooling Myths?

Myth #1: Fans create cool air

If you’ve ever stood before a fan, the breeze can make you cool down quickly. The air movement feels great. But that’s all a fan is – it’s air movement. It makes you feel cooler because it pushes the warm air away and helps dry up perspiration.

That’s why using fans in your home during the hottest days can be of benefit. They help move the hot air around and help you feel cooler. And when used in conjunction with one another, it allows you to raise the thermostat a few degrees, which helps lower your utility bills each month.

Myth #2: Keep fans running throughout the day for better circulation

Fans don’t cool the air. Fans move air to help you feel cool. Therefore, there is no reason to keep a fan on if you’re not in the room to benefit from the airflow.

If you’re using a box fan, be careful where you place it. Putting it near an open window can help bring in cooler air – if it’s cooler outside. Otherwise, you’ll simply be pulling in warmer air and making your home that much hotter. You should also confirm it’s clean air your bringing in. If there are forest fires in the area, you’ll be moving in a smoky air supply. If there are high pollutants in the air, you’ll simply bring them into your home that much faster.

Myth #3: Ceiling fans are more for decoration than for actual use

We recommend placing ceiling fans all over your home to help keep your energy costs low. By placing them in your bedrooms, family room, even your kitchen nook or dining space, can help circulate the air when you’re in each room, and help you feel cooler overall.

Likewise, you can reverse the direction of the ceiling fan in the winter to help control your heating costs too. Because hot air rises, using a ceiling fan is a great way to push warmed air back down to your living space, making your home more efficient to heat in the winter time too.

Want to install a new ceiling fan in your home? Give us a call.