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Can Your Duct Work Be A Fire Hazard?

Person Looking Through Vent

Nothing is scarier to a homeowner than the potential threat of a fire. We do what we can to protect ourselves and our homes, but the thought often lingers in the back of our minds.

If your home is new, fire danger is rare, thanks to our modern building techniques and the advent of safer products and materials. But if your home is older than fifteen years, if it was built at any point in the 1900s, you are at a higher risk.Can Your Duct Work Be A Fire Hazard?

Fire danger can take on many different forms.

  • Old electrical wires might not be up to code, making circuits easier to trip and overload.
  • Fire blocking materials might not be built into your walls, making it easier for fire to travel in key areas throughout your home.
  • Sheetrock and insulation might not meet rigorous standards that help slow the progress of fire.

Even your HVAC equipment can put you at higher risk, depending on that age and the system.

It’s no secret that HVAC equipment can start and contribute to a fire. The risk is higher if your furnace runs on gas. Gas problems and electrical shorts cause most of the fires, but they are easy to prevent with a good HVAC company on your side.

Regular maintenance and making repairs quickly will ensure your system is in good working order. You should also ensure your ducts are clean and well cared for.

Fire spreads from one room to the next in several ways. The ducts are a common factor, allowing fire to spread in the walls of your home. It blasts through the vents in one room and is sucked further down the line, starting in other rooms throughout your home.

Dirty ducts make this easier. Ducts that aren’t well maintained or aren’t routed correctly can exacerbate the situation.

One of the most important parts of fire prevention are fire dampers, which are installed in your ducts. These heat-triggered traps close if they detect fire nearby. These dampers can have burn times for as long as three hours, giving you valuable time to get out safely and call the proper authorities.

No air means slower spreading fire.

When was the last time your HVAC system was checked? Are your ducts in proper working order? Your life may depend on it. Give us a call today.
