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Is It Time To Bring Your Office Lighting Up To The 21st Century?


Lighting. It’s something we take for granted when we step into the office. Yet it has a huge impact on our overall health.

Think about how many of us spend our days. We get up and head into the office to spend eight, nine, ten hours or more sitting at a desk. If you’re lucky, you get a corner office with windows and lots of natural light. The rest of us are somewhere in the depths of a closed building, dealing with whatever lightsource comes our way. Is It Time To Bring Your Office Lighting Up To The 21st Century?

Work like that for very long and all kinds of symptoms start to develop.

  • Eye strain
  • Migraine headaches
  • Drowsiness
  • Fatigue
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Even a disruption in your natural circadian rhythm

A Cornell study published in the Health Environments and Research Design Journal reported that day-shift nurses who had continued access to outside light said they were more alert during their working hours and had lower stress levels.

An American light therapist observed that under optimal lighting conditions, a worker was able to concentrate longer – up to 8 full hours – compared with only 2 hours under artificial light.

When was the last time you upgraded the lights around your workspace?

Are your employees and tenants still working under harsh lighting conditions, using fluorescent lights? Maybe it’s time to upgrade to LED.

Are you providing light where you need it most? Maybe it’s time to integrate today’s technology into the way you light your surroundings.

Need some help? Give us a call today.
