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Does Your Plumbing Need A Little TLC This Summer?


Summer is one of the most special times of the year. Life slows down. We enjoy more time outside. We take vacations. We have more sunshine. What’s not to love about summer?

Does Your Plumbing Need A Little TLC This Summer?Yet being at home more can have its downsides. More people at home can equate to more clogged toilets. More family get togethers can mean more obstructions in your garbage disposal. Summer typically brings on many more common plumbing problems:

  • Clogged toilets and drains
  • Running toilets
  • Leaky faucets
  • A decrease in water pressure
  • More noises coming from your appliances
  • More puddles of water accumulating both inside and outside your home
  • More water heater usage, which can bring on leaks or no heat

Before your guests arrive for yet another party, or you head out on vacation and leave your home unattended, be sure your plumbing won’t cause you problems.

Look for leaks

After the long, hard winter, the summer is the best time to look for leaks. It also gives you a chance to fix issues before your pipes and fixtures are impacted again by colder weather.

Walk around your home and inspect every fixture: faucets, visible pipes, showerheads, toilets, water lines, water heater, sprinklers, spigots. Are there puddles? Is there condensation? For the toilet, you can put a little food coloring in the tank to see if it leaks into the bowl without flushing. In the bathtub and shower area, you can feel around the grout to ensure it’s all sealed properly. If you suspect a problem, it’s best to investigate further to ensure everything in your home is safe and secure.

Teach the family a little plumbing maintenance

Does everyone in your home understand simple plumbing maintenance? Do they know where the water main valve is? Could they shut off the water if they walked into a major problem?

If not, now is the time to teach your family a few safety routines.

The main valve typically looks like a wheel or a lever. It’s usually located in your basement, garage, or utility closet. If it’s outside, it may be near the street, curb, or sidewalk. You can always consult with your plumber on their next visit.

You can also walk around your home and look for individual water shutoff valves by each major appliance and fixture. Sometimes it only takes shutting off the water in the kitchen or bathroom to stop an emergency. Teach kids how the plumbing system works. You can show pipes that are visible and teach how they’re connected behind the walls. Understanding how the system works can sometimes prevent major clogs down the road.

Upgrade to save money

The summer is also one of the best times to do a little home improvement. Why not upgrade your water heater to a more efficient model? Or invest in new low flow toilets to conserve more water?

While your kids might not be in school, give them a reason to keep learning. What projects can they come up with to help you conserve? You might be surprised at the projects they come up with. And if you get them involved, think of all they’ll learn as they help you upgrade your home.

And when you take on these projects, let us know what they are. We’d love to hear how you improve your home this summer.
