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Restroom Design For Your Commercial Property


Think about this for a moment: most people feel that a messy restroom tarnishes a businesses image. Yet almost 70 percent of respondents to a recent survey say they’ve experienced unpleasant conditions in a restroom either as an employee or a customer.

Restroom Design For Your Commercial PropertyWhat tops the list of dislikes is an empty or jammed toilet paper dispenser, doors that won’t latch, or poor sanitation. But it doesn’t stop there. People are also germaphobes in public restrooms and will go to any length to avoid touching fixtures. They’ll hip-bump doors open and closed. They’ll use paper towels to grab handles and knobs. They’ll use their feet to flush.

Are you taking all of that into consideration as you make modifications to your commercial restrooms? Before you begin, ask yourself a few questions.

  • How many people use your restrooms every day?
  • Do the fixtures need to be durable for heavy traffic?
  • How much water usage is normal for your space?
  • How do you control bathroom odor?
  • Does your restroom meet the Americans with Disabilities Act?
  • When is the last time you thought about design?

Have these questions made you think?

Another study tracked how people use public bathrooms. The results probably won’t surprise you.

It tracked usage in different ways. For example, when given a choice, people reliably prefer the middle stall. If the room is empty, men will select the closest stall, while women move farther from it.

It should also come as no surprise that women spend twice as long as men. That means if you’re designing bathrooms for heavy traffic areas, plans that double the space for women should be one of your priorities.

Don’t just think numbers, look at functionality too. You can better the experience by thinking like a user. It’s not just about ROI; it’s about looks and durability too.

According to ConserveH2O, current regulations state that all new toilets must use 1.6 gallons per flush or less. High efficiency toilets are growing in popularity, and only use 1.28 gallons per flush. If you plan for each employee flushing 2 to 4 times per day, and 1 to 2 flushes per customer per day, that’s a lot of water usage per year. That’s a lot of savings if you invest in the right equipment.

If you’re rethinking your commercial restroom space and want fixtures and toilets that add functionality and appeal, start with a plan in place. We can help. Give us a call today.
