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Make These Plumbing and HVAC Updates To Increase Home Value 


Thinking of selling your home in the future? It’s time to make a list of to-do’s to get your home ready for sale.

Some projects simply have to be done. You can’t expect someone to buy your home if a light is blinking on and off, or the dishwasher no longer works.

Make These Plumbing and HVAC Updates To Increase Home Value 

Other projects are essential to add resale value. While you might not want to invest in a new gourmet kitchen remodel, there are plumbing and HVAC updates you can make that will increase home value. Homebuyers are choosy when comparing homes. If you give yours the proper care now before you list, you can boost your asking price, and a new owner will happily meet it.

Before you begin, it’s important to realize that no matter what you put into a project, you won’t recoup 100% of the costs. Remodeling magazine puts out an annual Cost vs Value report that lists expected ROI (return on investment) for various home remodeling projects. In 2019, garage door replacement has average cost recoupment of 97%, while a major kitchen remodel has an average of 62%.

That doesn’t mean some remodeling projects aren’t necessary and can’t boost your asking price. If your kitchen hasn’t been remodeled in several decades and is badly in need of repair, a remodel might be your best course of action.

It’s also important to understand that you have different goals than the new buyer. Buyers want a place they can move into and be free of repairs for a while. Sellers have made memories in the home, and want a maximum dollar for the things they love. The sale takes place when the two meet in the middle.

If you have a date in mind, use that to guide you for project selection. Not every improvement calls for a full replacement.

You should also work at ensuring your plumbing and HVAC systems are in good working condition. Is drainage working properly? Do you have any leaks in the system? When was the last time your ductwork was cleaned and evaluated to ensure it’s efficient as possible?

Also, keep in mind that aging appliances, including water heaters, furnaces, and air conditioners, might be better off replaced to add value. Talk with one of our contractors to weigh your options.

You should also look toward little details that can add sparkle and shine. A fresh coat of paint is always a good bet. But so is updating fixtures and adding new faucets and showerheads. Don’t skimp and install “boring.” Instead, go with a wow factor and add some bling. If you’ve always wanted a pull-out sprayer kitchen faucet, don’t you think a new buyer would be impressed too?

Plumbing and HVAC upgrades don’t have to take over your life while you ready your home for sale. today, and we’ll be happy to check the boxes off your to-do list and help your house be in perfect condition when it’s finally time to list.