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Preventing the Transmission of COVID-19 Through Your HVAC System


At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists didn’t think the virus was transmitted by air. A short time later, their tune changed when they realized through hundreds of studies that it was indeed spreading through airborne transmission. At R.S. Andrews, we have a solution that could help to slow the spread and transmission of this awful disease.

Focusing on Your HVAC System

Different states are in varying degrees of opening back up, and the more the economy opens, the more people are spending time together indoors. This means everyone within one building has the chance of contracting COVID-19 from someone in the same building who has the virus. By focusing a little more on your HVAC system, you can decrease this risk for your tenants. Here are some important things to take a look at:

  • Changing the Filters – HEPA filters are particularly effective at collecting bacteria, mold, and other allergens that are airborne. When you keep a clean filter in your HVAC system, it will have the space it needs to catch as many particles as possible. If the filters are dirty, it often makes the problem worse as dust, dirt, and allergens are forced back into the air. It’s also important you get a filter with the right MERV rating, which is something we can help you determine.
  • Replacing and Repairing – Fan motors can be replaced, airflow-control systems can be repaired, and other maintenance items can be handled to make your HVAC system run cleaner and more efficient.
  • Shutting the System Down – If nobody is in the office for a period of time, such as over the weekend, you can shut the system down or turn it to a lower setting. You could also do this overnight to minimize the speed of airflow.

Learning More

There are a lot of unknowns surrounding COVID-19, but it is best to take every precaution. If you’re looking for an easy solution to aid in the prevention of transmission, we’re ready to help. Contact R.S. Andrews today by calling (470) 264-8128 or sending us an email to learn more about how your HVAC system could play a role.
