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Plumbing Matters: 12 Critical Things to Check Before Buying a Home


When you’re in the market to buy a new home, there are countless aspects to consider, from location and price to the layout and curb appeal. However, one aspect that often gets overlooked until it’s too late is the plumbing system. A faulty plumbing system can quickly turn your dream home into a nightmare, leading to costly repairs and inconveniences.  In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the 12 essential plumbing things to check before buying a home, ensuring that your new haven doesn’t come with hidden waterworks woes. Consider this your checklist, inspect each one carefully.

1. Water Supply Lines

One of the first things to inspect when evaluating a potential home is its water supply lines. The main water supply line should be in excellent condition, free from any visible leaks or corrosion. Check for any signs of dampness or water stains around pipes and fixtures. Ensure that the water pressure is adequate, as low pressure can indicate underlying issues.

2. Water Heater

The water heater is a crucial component of your home’s plumbing system. Check its age, as older units may need replacement soon. Inspect for any rust or corrosion on the tank, which could lead to leaks. Additionally, inquire about the heater’s capacity to ensure it meets your household’s hot water demands.

3. Drainage System

A well-functioning drainage system is essential to prevent water damage and flooding. Examine the gutters, downspouts, and drainage pipes to ensure they are clear of debris and in good working order. Check the grading around the house to ensure water drains away from the foundation, preventing basement flooding.

4. Sewer Lines

Inspect the condition of the sewer lines, which are often out of sight but crucial for your home’s functionality. Ask for a sewer inspection to identify any blockages, tree root intrusions, or cracks that may lead to costly repairs down the line.

5. Fixtures and Faucets

Test all fixtures and faucets in the house for leaks, drips, and proper functionality. Pay close attention to the kitchen and bathroom areas, where leaks are most common. Replacing faucets and fixtures can be expensive, so be thorough in your assessment.

6. Toilets

Flush all toilets to ensure they work properly and don’t run continuously. A running toilet can waste a significant amount of water and money over time. Check for any signs of leaks around the base of the toilet.

7. Water Quality

The quality of the water in your potential new home is vital for your health and comfort. Consider having the water tested for contaminants, including lead and bacteria. If the water is from a well, ensure the well is properly maintained and up to code.

8. Water Softener

If the area has hard water, check if the home has a water softener system. Hard water can lead to plumbing issues and damage appliances over time. A water softener can alleviate these concerns and improve water quality.

9. Pipe Materials

Take note of the types of pipes used in the home’s plumbing system. Older homes may have lead or galvanized steel pipes, which can pose health risks and deteriorate over time. Consider having these pipes replaced with safer materials like copper or PEX.

10. Septic System

If the property uses a septic system, ensure it has been well-maintained and pumped regularly. Ask for the service records and check for any signs of septic tank issues, such as foul odors or soggy areas in the yard.

11. Water Pressure

Proper water pressure is essential for daily tasks and appliances. Turn on multiple faucets simultaneously to test the water pressure throughout the house. Inconsistent pressure or weak flow can indicate plumbing problems.

12. Emergency Shut-Off Valves

Know the location of all emergency shut-off valves in the home. In case of a plumbing emergency, such as a burst pipe, you’ll need to quickly shut off the water to prevent further damage. Ensure that these valves are easily accessible and functional.

In conclusion, buying a home is a significant investment, and overlooking the condition of the plumbing system can lead to unexpected expenses and headaches. 

If you’re not sure after completing everything on the checklist, it’s a good idea to get help from a pro. Plumbing issues are not always apparent to the naked eye. Some problems may be concealed behind walls, under the foundation, or in hard-to-reach places.

Get a Professional Inspection

Hiring a professional plumber to conduct a thorough inspection of the plumbing system before purchasing a home is a wise and proactive step that can save you from costly surprises down the road. Professional plumbers are trained experts with years of experience in evaluating plumbing systems. They have an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of plumbing, including pipes, fixtures, and appliances. Their expertise allows them to spot issues that a homeowner might miss.

A professional plumber will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the entire plumbing system. This includes checking water supply lines, drainage systems, sewer lines, fixtures, faucets, water heaters, and more. They leave no stone unturned when it comes to examining the plumbing.

Upon identifying plumbing issues, a plumber can provide estimates for repairs or replacements. This allows you to have a clear understanding of the potential costs involved in addressing these issues. It also provides valuable information for negotiation with the seller.

Negotiate for a Lower Price

Armed with a professional plumbing inspection report, buyers have a stronger position in negotiations with the seller. If the seller is unwilling or unable to complete the repairs, consider negotiating a reduction in the purchase price of the home to offset the cost of fixing the plumbing issues yourself. Be reasonable in your request, and provide documentation to support your proposed price reduction.

Negotiating with sellers based on the findings of a plumbing inspection is a critical step in the home-buying process. Here are some valuable tips to help you navigate this negotiation effectively:

Be Informed: 

Before negotiations begin, thoroughly review the plumbing inspection report. Understand the scope of the issues, their potential consequences, and the estimated costs of repairs or replacements. Knowledge is your best tool in negotiations.

Prioritize Repairs: 

Determine which plumbing issues are the most critical and which are less urgent. Focus your negotiation efforts on addressing the most significant concerns that could impact your safety, health, or finances.

Estimate Costs: 

Obtain written estimates from reputable plumbers or contractors for the necessary repairs. This will give you a solid basis for negotiation, allowing you to provide the seller with a clear understanding of the expenses involved.

Share the Burden: 

In some cases, a fair compromise may be for both parties to share the cost of repairs. This collaborative approach can encourage the seller to cooperate and minimize your financial burden.

Be Professional and Respectful: 

Maintain a professional and respectful tone during negotiations. Avoid confrontational or aggressive tactics, as this can hinder productive discussions. Remember that both parties want a successful closing.


Be open to negotiation and compromise. The seller may have their own constraints and limitations. Flexibility on both sides can lead to mutually beneficial solutions.

Be Prepared to Walk Away: 

If negotiations reach an impasse, or if the plumbing issues are extensive and the seller is unwilling to cooperate, be prepared to walk away from the deal. Protecting your investment is paramount.

Investing in a professional plumbing inspection before purchasing your new home is a crucial step toward making a wise and informed decision. It provides you with the assurance that your potential dream home is free from hidden plumbing issues that could later turn into costly nightmares. 

To embark on this journey of securing your investment and ensuring the long-term integrity of your new abode, we recommend contacting R.S. Andrews, a trusted local Atlanta plumbing and HVAC company. Their experienced professionals not only excel in thorough plumbing inspections but are also equipped to handle any necessary repairs with expertise and care. Make the smart move today and reach out to R.S. Andrews for a comprehensive plumbing inspection – it’s an investment in the future of your home.
