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Everything You Need to Know About Heat Recovery Ventilation Systems in HVAC


As the weather changes, finding the right balance between staying comfortable and not overspending on energy bills is a common struggle. Traditional ways of ventilating homes and offices often need to catch up, leading to either discomfort or high costs. Incorporating ductless HVAC systems and integrating building ventilation design can significantly improve this situation.

Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) systems could also be the answer you’re looking for. These systems are designed to keep fresh air coming in and use the heat from outgoing air to warm up the new air. This means you get a constant flow of fresh air without wasting energy.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at how HRVs work, how they differ from Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs), the types available, their benefits, and some drawbacks. You’ll also learn when it might be time to consider getting an HRV, how to keep it in good shape, and when it’s best to call in the experts.

If you’re interested in making your space more comfortable and energy-efficient, get in touch with our Atlanta ventilation experts at R.S. Andrews by calling (470) 264-8128. We’re here to help you explore HRV systems and find the perfect fit for your needs. Get ready for a deep dive into improving indoor air quality while keeping your energy usage smart.

Heat Recovery Ventilation System

Understanding Heat Recovery Ventilation Systems

Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) systems are essential components of modern HVAC setups, playing a critical role in maintaining indoor air quality and energy efficiency. But how exactly do these systems work?

How Do They Work?

Heat Recovery Ventilation systems operate by extracting stale indoor air from the building while simultaneously bringing in fresh outdoor air. Here’s a simplified explanation of their operation:

  • Exhaust Air: Stale indoor air containing pollutants, moisture, and odors is extracted from areas like bathrooms, kitchens, and living spaces.
  • Heat Exchange: As the stale indoor air is removed, it passes through a heat exchanger core within the HRV unit. At the same time, fresh outdoor air is drawn into the unit through a separate duct.
  • Heat Transfer: Within the heat exchanger core, heat from the outgoing stale air is transferred to the incoming fresh air without mixing the two streams. This process ensures that the incoming air is pre-conditioned with the heat from the indoor air, making it more comfortable and reducing the energy required for heating or cooling.
  • Balanced Ventilation: The pre-conditioned fresh air is distributed throughout the building, providing a continuous supply of clean, tempered air. Meanwhile, the stale indoor air is expelled outside.

By continuously exchanging stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air while recovering heat from the outgoing air stream, HRV systems help to maintain optimal indoor air quality while minimizing energy loss. This results in improved comfort, reduced heating and cooling costs, and a healthier indoor environment.

Comparing HRVs and ERVs

When it comes to ventilation systems, two common options are Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRVs) and Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs). While they serve similar purposes of maintaining indoor air quality and energy efficiency, there are critical differences between the two.

HRVs (Heat Recovery Ventilators)

  • Functionality: HRVs transfer heat between the outgoing stale indoor air and the incoming fresh outdoor air. They help to pre-condition the incoming air, reducing the load on heating and cooling systems.
  • Heat Transfer: HRVs transfer only heat between the air streams, meaning they exchange heat but do not transfer moisture.
  • Use Cases: HRVs are ideal for climates with extreme temperature variations, as they help to maintain indoor comfort by recovering heat during colder months.

ERVs (Energy Recovery Ventilators)

  • Functionality: ERVs function similarly to HRVs but with the added capability of transferring both heat and moisture between the air streams. This helps to maintain balanced humidity levels indoors.
  • Heat and Moisture Transfer: Unlike HRVs, ERVs transfer both heat and moisture, making them suitable for climates with both hot and humid summers and cold winters.
  • Use Cases: ERVs are particularly beneficial in humid climates, as they help mitigate indoor humidity levels while still recovering energy.

Key Differences

  • Heat vs. Heat and Moisture Transfer: The primary difference between HRVs and ERVs is their capability to transfer moisture. HRVs only transfer heat, while ERVs transfer both heat and humidity.
  • Climate Suitability: HRVs are more suitable for climates with extreme temperature fluctuations, while ERVs are better suited for regions with hot and humid summers and cold winters.
  • Humidity Control: ERVs offer better humidity control than HRVs, making them preferable in humid climates.

Overall, while both HRVs and ERVs maintain indoor air quality and energy efficiency, the choice between the two depends on factors such as climate, humidity levels, and specific ventilation requirements. Understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision when selecting the appropriate ventilation system for your home or business.

Types of HRVs

HRV systems come in various types, each designed to meet specific ventilation needs and requirements. Here are the main types of HRV systems commonly used in residential and commercial applications:

  • Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger:
    • Cross-flow heat exchangers are one of the most common types of HRV systems. They consist of two air streams that flow perpendicular to each other, allowing for efficient heat transfer between the exhaust and supply air streams.
  • Counter-Flow Heat Exchanger:
    • Counter-flow heat exchangers feature two air streams that flow in opposite directions, maximizing the surface area contact between the exhaust and supply air streams. This design enhances heat transfer efficiency and is often used in high-performance HRV systems.
  • Plate Heat Exchanger:
    • Plate heat exchangers use multiple layers of plates with small channels to facilitate heat exchange between the exhaust and supply air streams. This compact design allows for efficient heat recovery in a relatively small footprint, making plate heat exchangers suitable for space-constrained installations.
  • Rotary Heat Exchanger:
    • Rotary heat exchangers utilize a rotating wheel with a heat-absorbing material to transfer heat between the exhaust and supply air streams. As the wheel rotates, heat is moved from the outgoing air to the incoming air, maximizing energy recovery efficiency.
  • Run-Around Coil System:
    • Run-around coil systems consist of two air-handling units connected by a closed-loop piping system containing a heat exchange coil. The coil extracts heat from the exhaust air in one unit and transfers it to the supply air in the other unit, achieving heat recovery without direct contact between the air streams.

Each type of HRV system offers unique advantages and may be more suitable for specific applications depending on factors such as space availability, ventilation requirements, and budget constraints.

The Pros of Using HRVs

Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRVs) offer several advantages when incorporated into HVAC systems. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Improved Indoor Air Quality: HRVs help to continuously exchange stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air, promoting better indoor air quality. By removing pollutants, allergens, and excess moisture from the indoor environment, HRVs create a healthier living or working space.
  • Energy Efficiency: One of the primary advantages of HRVs is their ability to recover heat from outgoing stale air and transfer it to incoming fresh air. This heat exchange process reduces the need for additional heating or cooling, resulting in energy savings and lower utility bills.
  • Consistent Comfort: By pre-conditioning the incoming fresh air with the heat recovered from the outgoing air, HRVs help to maintain consistent indoor temperatures. This results in increased comfort for occupants throughout the year, regardless of external weather conditions.
  • Moisture Control: While HRVs primarily focus on heat recovery, they also help to control indoor humidity levels to some extent. By exchanging air with the outdoors, HRVs can help to reduce excess moisture buildup indoors, preventing issues such as mold and mildew growth.
  • Noise Reduction: HRVs are designed to operate quietly, ensuring minimal disruption to occupants. Their efficient and low-noise operation makes them suitable for residential and commercial spaces where comfort and tranquility are paramount.
  • Environmental Benefits: By reducing the energy consumption associated with heating and cooling, HRVs contribute to lower greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact. They align with sustainable building practices and help to create greener, more eco-friendly spaces.

These benefits make HRVs an excellent investment in enhancing the comfort, health, and efficiency of residential and commercial buildings.

Cons to Consider with HRVs

While HRVs offer many benefits, there are also some drawbacks to consider before installing them in your HVAC system:

  • Initial Cost: HRVs typically cost more upfront than traditional ventilation systems. The cost includes not only the unit itself but also installation and any necessary ductwork modifications. This initial investment may deter some homeowners or businesses with budget constraints.
  • Maintenance Requirements: HRVs require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity. This includes cleaning or replacing filters, inspecting the heat exchange core, and checking for any potential issues with the unit. Failure to maintain HRVs properly can lead to decreased efficiency and possible breakdowns.
  • Space Requirements: HRVs require space for installation, including adequate clearance around the unit and access for maintenance. This may pose challenges in some cases, especially in smaller homes or buildings with limited mechanical room space.
  • Noise: While HRVs are designed to operate quietly, they may still produce some noise during operation. The sound level can vary depending on factors such as the size and model of the HRV, the fans’ speed, and the unit’s location within the building. Noise-sensitive occupants may find this disruptive, mainly if the HRV is installed near living or sleeping areas.
  • Moisture Transfer: While HRVs help to control indoor humidity levels to some extent, they do not eliminate moisture transfer between indoor and outdoor air streams. In humid climates, this may result in increased indoor humidity levels, potentially leading to mold and mildew issues if not properly managed.
  • Compatibility: HRVs may not be suitable for all HVAC systems or building configurations. In some cases, existing ductwork may need to be modified or additional components added to accommodate the installation of an HRV. It’s essential to consult with an HVAC professional to determine the compatibility and feasibility of integrating an HRV into your system.

When to Consider Installing an HRV

Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) systems can be beneficial in various situations where indoor air quality and energy efficiency are priorities. Here are some scenarios when it may be advantageous to consider installing an HRV:

  • New Construction or Renovation: If you’re building a new home or undertaking significant renovations, incorporating an HRV into the design can provide long-term benefits. HRVs are easier to install during construction and can seamlessly integrate into the overall HVAC system.
  • Tightly Sealed Homes: Homes with high insulation levels and tight sealing to improve energy efficiency may suffer from poor indoor air quality due to reduced natural ventilation. In such cases, an HRV can help to ensure adequate ventilation without compromising energy efficiency.
  • High Occupancy Spaces: Buildings with a high occupancy rate, such as schools, offices, or multifamily residences, can benefit from HRVs to maintain a constant supply of fresh air and remove pollutants generated by occupants.
  • Cold Climate Regions: HRVs are particularly effective in cold climate regions where there are significant temperature differentials between indoor and outdoor air. In these areas, HRVs can recover heat from the outgoing air and pre-condition the incoming air, reducing heating costs while ensuring comfort.
  • Humid Climates: While HRVs primarily focus on heat recovery, they also help to control indoor humidity levels to some extent. In humid climates where excess moisture can lead to mold and mildew, HRVs can help mitigate humidity levels and improve indoor air quality.
  • Health Concerns: For individuals with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory conditions, maintaining good indoor air quality is crucial. HRVs can help to remove allergens, pollutants, and other airborne contaminants, creating a healthier living environment.
  • Energy Efficiency Goals: If you want to reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills, investing in an HRV can help achieve these goals. By recovering heat from the exhaust air and using it to pre-condition incoming fresh air, HRVs help to minimize heating and cooling loads, resulting in energy savings over time.

Maintenance and Care for HRV Systems

Ensuring proper maintenance and care for Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) systems is essential to maximize their efficiency, longevity, and performance. Here are some essential maintenance tasks to keep your HRV system running smoothly:

  • Regular Filter Cleaning: Clean or replace the filters in your HRV system according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Dirty filters can restrict airflow and reduce the system’s efficiency.
  • Inspect Heat Exchanger: Regularly inspect the heat exchanger for any signs of dirt, debris, or mold buildup. Clean the heat exchanger to prevent blockages and maintain optimal heat transfer.
  • Check Ventilation Ducts: Inspect the ventilation ducts and connections for any leaks, blockages, or damage. Ensure the ductwork is properly sealed and insulated to prevent air leakage and maintain energy efficiency.
  • Clean Ventilation Grilles: Clean the ventilation grilles and diffusers regularly to remove dust, dirt, and allergens. Ensure that airflow is unobstructed for efficient air exchange.
  • Monitor Controls and Settings: Check the controls and settings of your HRV system regularly to ensure that it is operating according to your preferences and requirements. Adjust settings as needed for optimal performance.
  • Schedule Professional Maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance inspections with an HVAC professional to ensure that your HRV system is functioning correctly. A professional technician can identify and address any issues before they escalate, ensuring reliable operation and preventing costly repairs.
  • Maintain Proper Humidity Levels: Monitor indoor humidity levels and adjust the HRV settings to maintain optimal comfort and indoor air quality. Proper humidity control helps prevent mold and mildew growth and ensures a healthy living environment.

When to Seek Professional Help

If you encounter any of the following issues with your HRV system, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance:

  • Unusual noises such as grinding, rattling, or squealing
  • Persistent odors coming from the ventilation system
  • Reduced airflow or lack of ventilation in certain areas of your home
  • Significant changes in indoor air quality or comfort levels
  • Any visible signs of damage or deterioration in the HRV unit or ductwork

For expert assistance with your ventilation maintenance or repair needs, contact R.S. Andrews at (470) 264-8128 in Atlanta, Georgia. Our experienced HVAC technicians are here to help you keep your HRV system running smoothly and efficiently.
