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3 Things You Should Know About Your Air Conditioning System


Air conditioners are life savers when they are maintained and working well. While you don’t need to know everything about the system in order to enjoy the cool air, it won’t hurt to know a few things that could help you keep the system running smoothly. The following are just three items to get you started.

1. Your Filter Should Be Changed Regularly

The filters in your air conditioning system should be replaced or cleaned at least once a month. If you own a commercial building that is particularly dusty or dirty, you may want to change them more frequently. A clean filter will make the air quality better, and will also increase energy efficiency as the system won’t have to work as hard to push air out.

2. Electrical Problems Account for Many Failures

More often than not, a system failure is due to an electrical problem. When your system fails, leave the electrical work to the professionals. It could be a blown fuse, a blown capacitor, a tripped breaker, or another electrical problem, and a professional is best equipped to deal with those things.

3. You Don’t Have to Run the System All Day

There are things you can do to keep from running your air conditioning system all day. For example, on a cool morning, crack the windows open instead of turning on your AC. When the sun goes down in the evening, crack the windows open again. This doesn’t just let the cool night air in, it also allows the hot air to get out.

You also have the option of using ceiling and other types of fans to cool your building. If your windows have curtains or blinds, make sure those are closed during the hours the sun beats on those particular windows.

Contact an AC Professional

If you’re worried about keeping your AC system running smoothly at all times, be sure you know at least a little bit about it. Contact the air conditioning professionals at R.S. Andrews today by calling (470) 264-8128 or sending us an email to learn more.
