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Common Problems With Smoke Detectors And How You Can Avoid Them


Common Problems With Smoke Detectors And How You Can Avoid Them

Smoke detectors are a common fixture that you know is there, but ignore almost every day of the year. You’ve never needed it, have no desire to see it in action.

Yet statistics show that on average, over 350,000 home fires take place every year in the United States, claiming thousands of lives. We all hope to never need a smoke detector, but if you do…

Think of your smoke detector as an insurance policy. And as a part of that strategy, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Don’t overlook battery replacement. Sounds easy enough. Yet it’s a common mistake. Investigations after a fire often reveal smoke detectors in place with a dead, malfunctioning or sometimes missing battery. Replace batteries frequently.

Don’t forget to test. Even if batteries are new, testing ensures your smoke detector is operating effectively. Test at least once a month, and if you find faulty equipment, replace immediately.

Don’t install the same type. Smoke detectors come in two different types. Photoelectric detectors detect smoldering flames while ionization alarms are more responsive to flaming fires. By having both in place, you’re giving your home double coverage and can protect from anything that may come your way.

Don’t rely on old technology. Like everything in your home, smoke detectors require periodic updating. The US Fire Administration recommends replacing a smoke detector at least every 8 to 10 years. If you can’t find the expiration date or don’t remember the last time it’s been replaced, it’s time for an upgrade.

Don’t rely on incorrect installation. Where are your smoke detectors located? Are they near the kitchen or fireplace where they can be activated by steam and normal fumes? Are they near drafts or heat sources where extreme temperature variations can occur? If they aren’t installed in the proper places in the correct manner, they may fail you when you need them most.

Smoke detectors save lives. Don’t allow a common mistake to put you at risk when you need it most. Give us a call to ensure the proper placement of these life-saving safety devices in your home.