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How to Dehumidify Your Home This Summer – Naturally!


homeowner-300x224Summer in the south means one thing: humidity, and lots of it. A certain level of humidity is good for your health and home (the ideal humidity level in a home is 35-45% and can be determined by using a hygrometer), but once you pass that point it can wreak havoc on both you and your home. Mold and mildew thrives in moist places, and these invaders can create big respiratory problems for people and pets and even cause structural damage to materials like wood.

While many of us have dehumidifiers in our homes already, sometimes they simply can’t keep up or end up racking up the energy bill. We are definitely pro-dehumidifiers but there are simple steps anyone can take to reduce humidity in your home to either supplement or, in some circumstances, eliminate the need for a dehumidifier.

Get the Air Moving: If you find yourself having repeated issues with excessive moisture in a certain area of the house, you may need to check the ventilation to that area to make sure it isn’t blocked by something. If you find you simply don’t have enough ventilation, a quick and easy solution is a fan. This will blow the moisture out of the area (or blow air in depending on which direction you point it).

Dry Your Clothes Outside: Many people choose to hang their clothes up to let them air dry, either to save money or because the fabric is delicate. Now that the temperatures have warmed up it’s a smart move to hang up your clothes outside. By hanging them inside the water that was once on the clothes is now in your air, only adding to the present humidity levels of your home.

Take Cold or Shorter Showers: It’s common sense that taking a long, hot shower will steam up a bathroom in under five minutes. It seems pretty counter-intuitive to take these long, hot showers when your home is already humid. Not only will taking a cooler, shorter shower help reduce humidity in your home, it will help you save on your heating and water bills too!

Move Your Plants Outside: House plants can create a lot of moisture and humidity in your home, especially when it’s warmer. Now that it’s nice outside, consider moving your plants outside the house as well to not only reduce your humidity but to give them some of that sunshine and fresh air they crave.

Extend Your Downspouts: Basements become the most damp and moist parts of the home due to excess moisture around the foundation of the home. By extending your downspouts even farther away from your home, you can largely prevent this excess moisture from building up around your foundation and back into your house.

If you have any questions about reducing humidity in your home, just give us a call today!
