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Ask These Questions Before You Buy A Generator


Ask These Questions Before You Buy A Generator

Strong winds. Out of the ordinary storms. Power outages.

It doesn’t take much to make you realize how dependent we are on electricity. Going without it for a few hours can be difficult. But a few days? Nearly impossible given our lifestyles.

Which is why the demand for home generators is increasing.

Generators cost anywhere between a few hundred to tens of thousands of dollars. They come in many sizes and configurations and run on many different kinds of fuels. How do you know which is the right generator for you?

Like every purchase, if you approach it with a few questions as you’re evaluating your options, your results will match your needs. Before you buy a generator, ask yourself these questions.

Why are you buying a generator?

People buy generators for a variety of reasons. Some do for the sole purpose of avoiding long power outages. Others do so to work on a home if it is temporarily or permanently off the grid.

What fuel source is best?

Generators come fossil fuel based or non-fossil fuel based. With fossil fuel generators, they are either portable or permanent. Fossil fuels are the most common and widely used.

What is the maintenance routine?

Keeping a generator operational depends on a variety of things. Make sure you determine how easy the equipment is to maintain, if the parts and products are readily available, and how often it should occur, whether the equipment is regularly used or not. Most generators should be serviced every year at least once to keep it in peak running condition.

What is the run time?

Generators are usually used in emergency situations. How much power will you have with the generator you select in the event of an emergency? While larger, permanent generators may be able to run 24 hours a day, even these will need down time to periodically cool and be refueled.

What is the fuel supply capacity?

Generators need to be refueled when in use. Which means you’ll require a supply line for emergency situations. How much will the generator hold? How will you store additional fuel?

Where will your generator sit?

There is a difference between portable and permanent. Permanent generators may take permits and require additional support to run effectively. Concrete pads may be needed for installation, and you should keep them away from buildings because of the noise and fumes.

What are installation procedures?

Ensure you have proper electrical connections for the generator you are considering. You will need an electrician to properly install a sub panel to identify and segregate the base load. Carefully consider your needs to best scale generator to your needs.

Are you looking at buying a generator to help you prepare for emergency situations? What are your biggest concerns?