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The Most Common Pollutants That Impact Your Indoor Air Quality


What do you think of when you hear the term pollutants? 

For most, pollutants are something you find outside. Like when you pull up behind an old car, and it leaves a puff of smoke behind when it pulls ahead from a stoplight. Or the chemicals that trail out of smokestacks on factories down in the warehouse district. The Most Common Pollutants That Impact Your Indoor Air Quality

What most people don’t think about is their own indoor air quality right inside of their own home. Studies show that indoor air quality is often worse than outside air. And because we spend most of our time indoors, it can take a toll on your health. 

What can you do about it? Concentrate on fixing the most common pollutants that impact your indoor air quality. 

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, invisible gas that is produced during the combustion process of fuel sources. If you have a gas oven, clothes dryer, or use natural gas to heat your home, you run the risk of having carbon monoxide infiltrate your home. Carbon monoxide stops your body from using the oxygen it needs to survive. A little can cause headaches, dizziness, or tiredness. If you consume too much, it can cause nausea, confusion, heart problems, even death. If you use a combustion appliance in your home, make sure a professional checks them at the start of each operating season. 


Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that is potentially found at low levels within your home. It is created as uranium in the earth breaks down. If you are exposed to elevated levels, you risk lung infection or the increased risk of lung cancer. Radon screening kits are available to test out your home for a low cost. If you suspect you have high levels, it’s best to consult with a professional to determine your next steps. 


Asbestos is a name used for a group of minerals found naturally in the world, and used in many different ways. In 1971, the EPA found asbestos to be a hazardous air pollutant, and no longer an option to include in home improvement materials. Although asbestos isn’t hazardous when intact, if it is disturbed, it can cause the fibers to become airborne, where they can potentially enter the lungs. This can lead to various lung disorders, including cancer.

Biological Growth

Biological growth can trigger everything from nasal stuffiness, eye watering, allergic reactions, coughing or wheezing, headaches, to skin irritations. The more impact it has on your health, the more severe the reactions, which can turn into serious disorders, cancer, and even death. Biological growth is caused when moisture and humidity levels change inside your home. If leaks or spills occur and aren’t fixed or cleaned, they can begin to grow quickly. If the most humid rooms in your home aren’t properly vented, you run the risk of having biological growth form more quickly. 

Do you have any of these common pollutants in your home? Call in a professional today to fix the problem, and clean up your indoor air quality now.