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Troubleshooting Plumbing Crossovers: A Homeowner’s Guide


We’ve all been there – that moment when you turn on the hot water faucet, but cold water rushes out instead. What gives? Well, you might be dealing with a pesky plumbing crossover. 

First things first, let’s get the terminology straight. A plumbing crossover is when hot and cold water mix where they shouldn’t. Picture this: you’re enjoying a warm shower, and suddenly a blast of icy water ruins your day. Or you use the toilet and feel steam rising from the bowl. Yep, that’s the culprit – a crossover. While it might be nice for keeping warm in the winter, it’s not that pleasant a feeling any other time.

Now, you might be wondering, “Why on earth does this even occur?” Well, the answer lies in the intricate web of pipes that run through your home. Sometimes, a faulty valve or a worn-out faucet can mess up the delicate balance between hot and cold water. When these elements are a little off, they can create a crossover.

Look for the Culprit

Before you jump to fix the problem, you’ve got to put on your detective hat and identify the troublemaker. Start by checking all faucets and fixtures in your home. Is the crossover happening only in one area or throughout the house? This will help you pinpoint the source of the issue.

High water pressure can often cause plumbing crossovers. If you suspect that elevated water pressure might be causing or worsening the issue, here’s what you can do:

Start by checking your home’s water pressure. The easiest way to do this is to use a water pressure gauge, which is readily available at most hardware stores. Simply attach it to an outdoor spigot or a faucet with a threaded connection. High water pressure can strain your plumbing system, making it more susceptible to crossovers and other issues.

Grab Your Tools

Alright, Sherlock, once you’ve identified the problem area, it’s time to gather your tools. You’ll need an adjustable wrench, a pipe cutter, and some replacement parts. Remember, safety first – turn off the main water supply before you start tinkering with your plumbing.

Find Your Main Shut-Off Valve

Finding the main shutoff valve in your home is crucial for emergencies or when you need to perform plumbing repairs. The main shutoff valve is responsible for controlling the water supply to your entire house. Here are some common locations to check for the main shutoff valve:

Basement or Crawl Space

In many homes, especially older ones, you’ll find the main shutoff valve in the basement or crawl space. It’s often located near where the water line enters your home. Look along the wall that faces the street or your property’s water source.

Utility Room

If your home has a dedicated utility room for plumbing and HVAC systems, check there. The main shutoff valve is frequently placed in utility rooms for easy access.

Water Meter Pit

Some homes have the main shutoff valve located in a water meter pit outside the house. If you live in an area with mild climates, this is a common placement. The pit is usually marked and easily accessible.


In homes with attached garages, you might find the main shutoff valve on the garage wall near the water entry point. Look for a metal or plastic valve handle.

Cabinet or Closet

In newer homes, the main shutoff valve might be concealed within a cabinet under the kitchen sink, inside a bathroom closet, or within a dedicated closet near the water heater.

Water Heater Location

In some cases, the main shutoff valve is near the water heater, often in a nearby utility or storage room.

Near the Water Heater

Sometimes, especially in homes with tankless water heaters, the main shutoff valve is located close to the water heater itself.

Outdoor Wall

In homes with exposed plumbing on exterior walls, you might find the main shutoff valve mounted on an outdoor wall.

Remember that the main shutoff valve can vary in appearance. It might be a round wheel-like handle, a lever, or a simple knob. Turn it clockwise (right) to shut off the water supply to your entire house and counterclockwise (left) to turn it back on.

Diagnosis and Solution

Now that we understand what plumbing crossovers are and why they occur, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and tackle the solution

Shower and Bathtub Faucets

Start by removing the faucet handle, usually secured with a screw underneath a decorative cap. Once the handle is off, look for the anti-scald valve; it’s often a small, brass piece with a rotational feature. To adjust the valve, turn it clockwise to reduce the hot water flow or counterclockwise to increase it. This fine-tunes the temperature balance. After making the adjustment, reassemble the faucet by securing the handle, and you’re all set to enjoy consistent water temperatures.

Single-Handle Faucets

Begin by removing the handle, which may be attached with a screw or concealed under a cap. Once you’ve accessed the cartridge, which regulates the water flow and temperature, you’ll need to perform a 180-degree rotation. Rotating the cartridge effectively switches the positions of the hot and cold sides, rectifying the crossover issue. Reassemble the faucet, and voilà! Your single-handle faucet should now provide the right water temperatures.

Dual-Handle Faucets: 

To address a crossover problem with dual-handle faucets, begin by opening up the faucet handles to expose the valves beneath. Locate the hot and cold water pipes at the valves, which are usually marked or color-coded for clarity. Swap the hot and cold water pipes at the valves, essentially reversing their positions. This action corrects the temperature balance. After switching the pipes, tighten everything securely and put the faucet handles back in place – your dual-handle faucet should now deliver the desired temperatures.

Once you’ve applied these fixes, it’s essential to put your plumbing to the test. Turn on the hot water in the affected area and pay close attention for any signs of cold water sneaking in. If you experience consistent and accurate water temperatures without any crossover issues, congratulations, you’ve successfully resolved the problem and can consider yourself a bona fide plumbing hero!

When to Call in the Pros

Now, if your inner detective can’t crack the case, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals. Plumbing crossovers can sometimes hide in the depths of your pipes, and it’s best to let the experts handle the situation. Remember, it’s all about identifying the problem, gathering your tools, and making those adjustments. And if all else fails, R.S. Andrews is here to save the day.

You should call in a professional if you experience any of these issues:

  • Persistent Issue: If the problem persists even after you’ve attempted basic troubleshooting and DIY fixes, it’s time to bring in a plumber. Some plumbing issues can be complex and require professional expertise to diagnose and repair.
  • Safety Concerns: If the plumbing problem poses safety hazards, such as a sudden and extreme temperature change, visible water leaks, or strange odors, don’t hesitate to call a plumber. Safety should always come first.
  • Multiple Affected Areas: When the issue affects multiple faucets, fixtures, or areas throughout your home, it could indicate a more significant problem within your plumbing system. A plumber can conduct a comprehensive assessment and address the issue at its source.
  • No Access to Main Shutoff Valve: If you can’t locate or access the main shutoff valve to isolate the problem area, a plumber can help. They have the tools and expertise to safely shut off water to your home and make necessary repairs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why does a plumbing crossover happen?

Plumbing crossovers are typically caused by faulty valves, worn-out faucet components, or incorrect installations. These issues can disrupt the balance between hot and cold water.

How can I identify if I have a plumbing crossover problem?

Pay attention to your faucets and fixtures. If you notice sudden temperature changes or inconsistent water temperatures, especially when using hot water, you may have a plumbing crossover issue.

What if I’ve tried to fix the problem, but the crossover persists?

If your DIY efforts don’t resolve the issue, or if you’re unsure about the source of the problem, it’s advisable to contact a professional plumber. They have the expertise and tools to diagnose and fix complex plumbing crossovers.

Plumbing crossovers can be a real hassle, but armed with the right knowledge and tools, you can conquer them. And if you ever find yourself stumped, don’t hesitate to contact R.S. Andrews for all your plumbing needs.
